Unlocking Widescale Heat Pump Deployment in the UK: Heat Pump Association’s Landmark Report reveals path to greener future.

Nov 29, 2023Latest News

Unlocking Widescale Heat Pump Deployment in the UK: Heat Pump Association’s Landmark Report reveals path to greener future.

The Heat Pump Association is proud to release its newest report, ‘Unlocking Widescale Heat Pump Deployment in the UK’, providing a comprehensive roadmap and collection of policy recommendations for accelerating the adoption of heat pumps in the United Kingdom.

As the UK Government considers how to meet its legally binding net-zero emissions target by 2050, it is clear there is a critical need for highly efficient and sustainable solutions in the heating sector. Heat pumps are emerging as the cornerstone of this transition, offering extremely efficient, low carbon alternatives to classic heating systems for both residential and commercial applications.

Craig Dolan, Chair of the Heat Pump Association emphasised the importance of the report, stating, ‘As a low carbon solution, heat pumps can be more than three times more efficient than fossil fuel boilers[1] and switching to heat pumps in the UK can reduce heating emissions by up to 75%, equivalent to all the territorial emissions of Denmark in 2021. [2] This report is a call to action for stakeholders, policymakers and industry players to come together in making heat pump technology a cornerstone of the UK’s sustainable energy landscape.’

Key Highlights of the report:

  • Comprehensive analysis: The report offers a thorough examination of the current state of the heat pump industry in the UK, outlining existing barriers, opportunities, and the economic benefits of mass adoption.
  • Policy Recommendations: It provides a clear set of well-researched policy recommendations aimed at creating an environment conducive to widespread heat pump deployment. These recommendations are backed by extensive research and the expertise of HPA’s well-versed membership.

Mark Wilkins, Vice-Chair of the Heat Pump Association said: This is a fantastic report outlining a comprehensive set of policy recommendations which if implemented, would provide investors, manufacturers, installers and consumers with confidence in the sector. We are confident that these insights will positively support policy development, propelling us towards a cleaner, greener tomorrow.’

Charlotte Lee, CEO of the Heat Pump Association, highlighted the significance of collaboration in creating this report, saying, ‘It’s been immensely gratifying to work collaboratively with our members and industry partners to produce this report. It reflects the collective dedication and expertise of our community in driving positive change for our environment and economy. Further policy support and political commitment are essential to support the sector in working towards the Government ambition to install 600,000 heat pumps a year by 2028. We urge policymakers, current and future, to take heed of these recommendations.’

The full report; ‘Unlocking Widescale Heat Pump Deployment in the UK’, is available for download at: https://www.heatpumps.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/HPA-Unlocking-Widescale-Heat-Pump-Deployment-in-the-UK.pdf

Read the Executive Summary and Key Policy recommendations here: https://www.heatpumps.org.uk/resources/industry-reports/

For more information on the Heat Pump Association visit: https://www.heatpumps.org.uk/

[1] Energy Systems Catapult, Electrification of Heat UK demonstration project, Accessed 2023

[2] Ritchie, Hannah & Roser, Max (2020) CO2 emissions

Notes to Editors:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Olivia Smalley (Head of Policy and Communications)

Email: Olivia.smalley@thehpa.org.uk


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