Heat Pumps – Installer Training
Thursday 29 September 12noon
Heat pumps will be playing an ever more important role on the road to net-zero. The fossil fuel era is coming to an end and the Government is targeting at least 600,000 heat pumps each year by 2028. But how can heating installers gain the skills they need to install them?
Find out all there is to know about the upskilling opportunities available in this training session with the HPA.
Get your questions answered.
Send them through to media@heatpumps.org and we’ll include them in the Q&A.
Why should I attend?
If you’re a heating installer currently fitting gas boilers, there is no reason why you can’t install a heat pump – you might just need some top-up training. Wondering what that additional training involves? The Heat Pump Association will be providing installers across the country with all the answers.
Who will be speaking?
Craig Dolan, Vice Chair of the Heat Pump Association
The post Installer Training 29 Sept appeared first on Heat Pumps.