HPA welcomes MCS Scheme Redevelopment Consultation outcome
MCS have published their response to the MCS Scheme Redevelopment Consultation which closed on the 17 July 2023. The Heat Pump Association supported the broad principles of the consultation and the shift towards a focus on delivered quality within the industry.
MCS have published their response to the MCS Scheme Redevelopment Consultation which closed on the 17 July 2023. The Heat Pump Association supported the broad principles of the consultation and the shift towards a focus on delivered quality within the industry.
We are pleased to note that the majority of our considerations, suggestions and recommendations that were raised in HPA’s response, have been acted upon, with key changes to the scheme including:
- Support for Delivered Quality: Focusing audits and assessments on site to verify delivered quality and introducing a risk-based assessment regime will help support good quality, compliant and consistent heat pump installations.
- Consumer Code Membership: The HPA welcomes the removal of consumer code membership requirements whilst calling on MCS to make good on their promise to fulfil this role.
- Require Technical responsibility for each installation: By requiring a technical supervisor for each installation responsible for assuring compliance and sign off, of an installation.
- Pending certification: It is pleasing to see that MCS have discarded the idea of a ‘bond’ to enable pending certification which was viewed as a barrier to entry, and are considering other options such as simulated assessment centres linked to on-site assessments.
- MCS Guarantee: The HPA fully supports the concept of an MCS Guarantee, seeing it as a welcome replacement for Insurance Backed Guarantees (IBG).
With a target launch date of the new scheme set for spring or early summer 2024, HPA calls on MCS to act swiftly and set out clear, realistic timescales to enable the industry to react. A suite of new documents outlining these changes is to be published before the end of this year.
Responding to the consultation response, HPA CEO, Charlotte Lee said, “We welcome and support MCS’s proactive approach to redeveloping the installer certification scheme, making it work better for the industry. The changes set out in the consultation response are a significant step towards enhancing support for compliant, safe and optimised heat pump installations and to strengthen trust and confidence from consumers. This is vital as we continue to grow heat pump deployment in line with decarbonisation targets. We look forward to continuing work with MCS and our members ahead of the targeted publication of documents by the end of the year and the launch of the updated scheme in 2024.”
To read the consultation outcome in full click here.
Notes to Editors:
For media inquiries, please contact:
Olivia Smalley (Head of Policy and Communications)
Email: Olivia.smalley@thehpa.org.uk
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